
Steven has written many books which explore the central matters of philosophy and religion.

Steven is driven by the desire to inspire people towards a deeper understanding and appreciation of the things of God, and his books have proven transformative for many readers.
Somewhat ironically, the first book to be published by Steven - The Philosophy of a Mad Man - was autobiographical; testament to the depths of spiritual exploration he experienced at a relatively young age.

The next book to be published by Steven was Ultimate Truth: God Beyond Religion, a concise work in which some of the author's penetrating insights into philosophical matters were shared for the first time. That book later developed into the foundation for God's Grand Game: Divine Sovereignty and the Cosmic Playground, which would become Steven's bestselling book to date.

Other full-length works by Steven include The God Articles, a large compilation of personal and philosophical articles chronicling the author's journey as a fledgling Christian, Philosophical Theology, a collection of six short-read books by Steven that he also published individually, Christianity, Islam, and the One True God, which compares and contrasts the philosophical assumptions that underpin these two religions, and A Collection of Essays by Steven Colborne, which includes both undergraduate and postgraduate essays written by Steven as well as essays written outside of an academic setting.

Those wishing to gain a thorough understanding of Steven's spiritual journey and philosophy would do well to read Puppets, an 800+ page collection of his four most popular full-length works.
All of the book covers that accompany Steven's books were designed by the author, with the exception of the cover of God's Grand Game, which was designed by Jet Purdie.

Those wishing to read books by Steven can find them available as paperbacks, hardbacks, and eBooks in the shop, here.