Mental Health

Living in a broken world and coming from a broken family have presented significant challenges to Steven, and he has endured a number of spells in psychiatric hospital.

Steven believes many aspects of the mental health system are ungodly and cruel and has suffered a great deal of abuse from the health system in the UK. He believes counselling should be the primary intervention for people who are experiencing mental distress, and that forced admissions to psychiatric hospital are over-utilised and could be easily avoided if the health service took a more compassionate approach to mental health treatment.

Steven believes that the use of medication to treat mental distress is a great evil and is the result of a lack of geniune compassion from health professionals. All mental distress is caused by a lack of love and compassion, and the solution to mental distress is love and compassion - not medication.

Steven believes that the forced injection of chemicals into the body is inarguably a cruel and crude way to treat a human being, and that the use of antipsychotic medications and mental illness diagnoses are expressions of the terrible evil that is psychiatry. Psychiatry is based on a misunderstanding concerning the origins, nature, and causes of human thought. Our thoughts are not created by our brains, as psychiatrists claim to believe. Instead, they are manifested by God, who animates human beings.

A detailed philosophy of Steven's understanding of brains, minds, and thoughts can be found in his book God's Grand Game, which is available to purchase from the shop.